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May Is National Speech-Language-Hearing Month

Each May, Noisy Planet joins the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) in observing National Speech-Language-Hearing Month. Noisy Planet celebrates this annual opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders and hearing health.

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How is Sound Measured?

Many factors influence how loud a sound seems. One easily measured factor is sound intensity, or volume, which is measured in decibels. A-weighted decibels, or “dBA,” are often used to describe sound level recommendations for healthy listening.

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October Is National Protect Your Hearing Month: Safeguard Your Hearing

During this year’s National Protect Your Hearing Monthobserved each Octoberlearn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), and help Noisy Planet spread the word to others.

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Noisy Planet Offers a Teacher Toolkit!

Our Teacher Toolkit helps educators and school nurses teach children about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss.

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Yikes! Only Eight Percent of U.S. Adults Consistently Use Hearing Protectors at Loud Events

According to a 2018 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only eight percent of US adults say that they regularly wear hearing protectors at loud athletic and entertainment events.

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High-Tech Images Help Scientists "See" Hearing Process

To better understand how we hear, scientists used X-ray crystallography and supercomputers to study tiny structures in our ears.

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