A teacher and a group of school children sitting together looking at a tablet computer in a classroom.

There are many opportunities to educate kids about the risks of hearing loss from noise. We have a few ideas to help you use our information, activities, and resources as you teach kids about noise and hearing loss.

Raise Awareness

Check out the following resources to help you engage with parents and kids.

  • Make kids and their parents aware of the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. Encourage them to read What Did You Say? What Loud Noises Can Do to Your Hearing.
  • Draw preteens’ attention to sources of potentially damaging noise. Have them use the Listen Up! Infographic to see which everyday noises could be harmful.
  • Promote healthy hearing habits to thousands of parents and preteens by using our multimedia content on your website and social media platforms.
  • Point out sources of excessive noise. Print out and give kids a list of the decibel levels for common sounds from the Noisy Planet “How Loud Is Too Loud?” bookmark
  • Follow Noisy Planet’s sponsor, the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), on Facebook and X, for access to a wide range of resources and research on noise-induced hearing loss and other communication disorders.

Support Homework and Independent Research

Noisy Planet has numerous resources for students working on school assignments:

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Noisy Planet offers downloads and publications to order—all free of charge.

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