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Noisy Planet’s online newsletter offers stories on noise–induced hearing loss, as well as tips and information on how to help preteens protect their hearing and develop healthy hearing habits.

A young girl relaxes outdoors on the grass while holding a large ball that resembles the earth. The image reads: World Hearing Day is March 3.

The Latest from Have You Heard?

World Hearing Day 2021: Practice Safe Listening

On March 3, join Noisy Planet, the World Health Organization (WHO), and others in spreading the message about healthy hearing in observance of World Hearing Day. This year’s theme is Hearing care for ALL! Screen. Rehabilitate. Communicate. Read more >

More from Have You Heard?
Woman holding her hand up to her ear as if to better hear something.

High-Tech Images Help Scientists "See" Hearing Process

To better understand how we hear, scientists used X-ray crystallography and supercomputers to study tiny structures in our ears. Read more >

In the Community

New! Hearing Protectors for a Noisy Planet fact sheet

To reduce your risk of hearing loss, Noisy Planet suggests three actions you can take:

  • Lower the volume.
  • Move away from the noise.
  • Wear hearing protectors, such as earplugs or earmuffs.

When you aren’t able to control the volume or move away from the noise, hearing protectors, such as earplugs or protective earmuffs, can help. Noisy Planet recommends that you wear hearing protectors any time sound levels reach at least 85 A-weighted decibels. (Learn about the decibel levels of common sounds and download a smartphone app to measure noise levels.)

Our new fact sheet, Hearing Protectors for a Noisy Planet, highlights when you should use hearing protectors, how to choose the best hearing protector for your use (or your child’s use), and instructions for using hearing protectors the right way. Noisy Planet also offers shareable GIFs and videos on hearing protectors.

Thumbnail of fact sheet titled, Hearing Protectors for a Noisy Planet.

This publication and many others are available to read, download, print, or order from our website.

Featured Shareable Images

A young girl relaxes outdoors on the grass while holding a large ball that resembles the earth. The image reads: World Hearing Day is March 3. Hearing care for ALL! Screen. Rehabilitate. Communicate. Below the image is the logo for the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.

Celebrate World Hearing Day with Noisy Planet! Share this image on your social media platforms.

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Una niña se relaja al aire libre recostada sobre el césped mientras sostiene en las manos una bola grande sobre la cabeza que se asemeja a la tierra. El texto dice: El Día Mundial de la Audición es el 3 de marzo. ¡Cuidados auditivos para TODOS! Evaluación. Rehabilitación. Comunicación. Debajo de la imagen está el logotipo del Instituto Nacional de la Sordera y Otros Trastornos de la Comunicación.

¡Celebre el Día Mundial de la Audición con “El mundo es ruidoso”! Comparta esta imagen en los medios sociales.

Comparta esta imagen en: Small facebook icon Small twitter icon.

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