Welcome to the Teacher Toolkit!
Noisy Planet’s Teacher Toolkit will help you teach preteens about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. It provides easy-to-use resources and step-by-step instructions for fun activities.
This toolkit builds on the success of classroom presentations conducted by the Noisy Planet team at schools within the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, and offers key resources and tools to teachers, school nurses, and other educators across the country.
Start here by downloading Teacher Toolkit instructions.

Noisy Planet Presentation

Download this sample presentation and script to guide you through the Noisy Planet classroom activities.
Noisy Planet Student Activity Videos and Instructions
These four training videos show the activities included in the presentation. Instructions provide in-depth descriptions of each activity, including the required equipment, number of student volunteers needed, and the estimated time for each activity.
Tuning Fork Demonstration Video
Learn how to conduct the Tuning Fork Activity, which demonstrates sound vibrations.
Download the instructions to learn more about this activity.
How We Hear Demonstration Video
Learn how to conduct the How We Hear Activity, which engages students to act out the sequence of events involved in hearing.
Download the instructions to learn more about this activity.
Hair Cell Demonstration Video
Learn how to conduct the Hair Cell Activity, which shows students how loud noises can damage hair bundles in the inner ear.
Download the instructions to learn more about this activity.
Blow Dryer Demonstration Video
Learn how to conduct the Blow Dryer Activity, which demonstrates the benefit of moving away from the source of sound.
Download the instructions to learn more about this activity.
Quizzes and Games for Preteens
Try these fun games and quizzes to test how much your students know about noise and when it becomes dangerous to their hearing.
How Does Noise Damage Your Hearing? Kahoot! Quiz
Encourages kids to adopt healthy habits to protect their hearing.
Test Your Noise Knowledge Quiz
Provides facts on noisy activities and the science behind noise-induced hearing loss.
All About Noise Crossword Puzzle
Teaches kids about noise, how our ears hear, and how to protect their hearing.
Download or Order Free Resources
Find additional free Noisy Planet educational resources to download, print, and order. These resources can be used before, during, or after presentations, and can be shared with families to reinforce key messages.
When It's Loud, Protect Your Hearing: Sound Advice for Young Ears
Resource for kids that explains how noise can damage their hearing, prevention of noise-induced hearing loss, how loud is too loud, and types of hearing protectors. Kids can test their new knowledge with a crossword puzzle included in the publication.
Download PDFOrder Print CopyHow Loud Is Too Loud?
Learn how sound is measured, what sounds are too loud, how to protect your hearing, and how to teach kids about healthy hearing habits.
Download PDFOrder Print CopyHow Does Noise Damage Your Hearing?
Learn about noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), how you hear, causes and signs of NIHL, and how you can help kids protect their hearing.
Download PDFOrder Print CopyHearing Protectors for a Noisy Planet
Learn when to use hearing protectors, how to help children use hearing protectors, and what to know about different types of hearing protection.
Download PDFOrder Print CopyHow Loud Is Too Loud? Poster
A poster that presents the decibel levels of various electronic devices, vehicles, machinery, and conversations, and discusses ways to protect your hearing.
Download PDFOrder Print CopySounds Are All Around Poster
A poster that discusses why and how to protect your hearing.
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